Creditors’ rights: options for getting paid

Your business works hard. You, as a creditor, deserve to be paid for your efforts. Sometimes, though, your customers simply don’t pay their bills on time. You may be wondering what your debt collection options are, both in and out of the courtroom. Non-judicial options So-called “self-help” options don’t require any sort of judicial involvement.…

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What is a creditors’ committee?

If you are a creditor, one thing that might fill you with worry is if a business that owes you money ends up in bankruptcy, such as Chapter 11 bankruptcy. You may worry about whether the debt will be repaid and whether your rights and interests will be protected during the bankruptcy process. These worries…

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Enforcement of Judgments in New Mexico

When a plaintiff sues a defendant to recover monies owed by the defendant and eventually succeeds in winning the suit, an award of damages is incorporated in to the judgment of the court identifying the exact amount of the judgment and whether any court costs, attorney’s fees and interest may also be part of the…

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