Can marrying someone who has filed bankruptcy impact your finances?

When a relationship becomes serious, the couple often starts to carefully consider their finances. After all, a long-term commitment like marriage usually means two people will combine their finances. As you consider both your assets and debts, you may wonder: will your partner’s financial situation affect yours if they filed bankruptcy in the past? The…

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An eye on bankruptcy stats in 2022

As New Mexico residents prepare for the holidays and the start of a new year, it is common to reflect on the past year. This practice is widespread, with even the government and courts gathering data on the events of the year – especially in terms of finances. So, what is the latest information on…

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Free $20,000 to Avoid Foreclosure!

By Elizabeth Friedenstein, Associate Attorney, Giddens + Gatton Law, P.C. Are you facing foreclosure? New Mexico has up to $20,000 available in FREE money to help homeowners! The Homeowner Assistance Fund is a federal program to help homeowners impacted by COVID-19 catch up on mortgage and utility bills. The fund has been distributed to New…

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How common is bankruptcy?

Dealing with debt and financial issues can feel very isolating. You might feel like the only person struggling as you try to escape the pressures of debt. This isolation can make it seem like debt is not a common issue, or that bankruptcy is not a common solution. Is that true? What do the statistics…

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